If you are having trouble filling out the School or Employment History sections on the online application, please see below.
For your High School information, you'll see three fields called "High School Name" (where you were originally trying to find your high school), "City of High School" and "State of High School" (which are display fields). Immediately under "State of High School", you'll see some radio buttons. If you click on the second one called "I am unable to find my US High School", two free-text fields called "High School Name" and "High School City and State/Province" will show up. Here is where you can enter in your High School information.
For your Employment History, immediately under the display field "Employer State", you'll see a single checkbox called "Employer Not Listed". Click on this checkbox. I've attached a screenshot called "2021-04-23 - Employer Not Listed 1". Once you click on that, several new fields will display where you can enter in your Employer's "Name", "Street Address", "City", "State/Province", and "Zip Code".

If you are having trouble, or have any questions, please give us a call at x1212 or 1-800-322-3984 and we can assist you further.