Trouble getting connected to WiFi / missing WiFi network / slow speeds


If you are having trouble with the Davenport University WiFi, please follow the guidance below.


First time connecting a device

  1. Your device may have special setup requirements depending on what type it is. Visit the Wireless Guide here:
  2. Select your device type on the right hand side and follow the settings to get connected
  3. If you are still having trouble, contact student support at 1-877-899-1499

WiFi connection was working in the past

  1. If your WiFi connection was working in the past, or you are experiencing much slower speeds than usual, please give the CSC a call at 1-800-322-3984, it is possible there is an issue with the WiFi hardware in your area.

If you are having trouble, or have any questions, please give us a call at 1-877-899-1499 and we can assist you further.

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Article ID: 3038
Mon 2/7/22 1:52 PM
Thu 3/28/24 11:57 AM