Adding, Removing, and Editing Tests, Test Pools, and Surveys in Blackboard


Please use the instructions below for adding, removing, or editing tests, test pools, and surveys in Blackboard.


  1. Open up your course and navigate to the 'Course Management' section on the sidebar
  2. Expand the 'Course Tools' drop down menu
  3. Click 'Tests, Surveys, and Pools'
  4. Click either Tests, Surveys, or Pools to edit
  5. To add an item, click either Build Test, Build Survey, or Build Pool. To delete an item, mouse over the title to show the drop down arrow, click it and select 'Delete'
  6. To edit an item, mouse over the title to show the drop down arrow, click it and select 'Edit'

If you are having trouble, or have any questions, please give us a call at x1212 or 1-800-322-3984 and we can assist you further.


Article ID: 3009
Fri 2/4/22 5:03 PM
Wed 3/16/22 5:26 PM