Connecting to Virtual Labs (Windows, MacOS, & ChromeOS)


This article provides instructions for connecting to the Student VPN and our Virtual Computer Lab machines using various operating systems.



This article provides instructions for connecting to DU's Virtual Computer Lab via the Student VPN. Duo multifactor authentication (MFA) is required to access the Student VPN.

Please note: Only students who require Student VPN access for class will have access to Duo MFA. If you need access to the Student VPN and do not have Duo MFA set up on your account, please visit or contact the IT Student Support Center (SSC) at 1-877-899-1499 or

This article is intended for Davenport University students.


How to Connect to Virtual Labs - Windows & MacOS (For ChromeOS instructions, click here or scroll down)

Step 1: Connect to the Student VPN using the Global Protect app. Instructions are available in the Student VPN Access article.

Step 2: Connect to a Virtual Lab Computer:

Note: If you are using MacOS you will need to download and install the “Windows App” app from the App Store before proceeding. 

  1. Make sure GlobalProtect is connected to the Student VPN. Instructions can be found in the Student VPN Access article.
  2. Open a new tab in your browser and go to the Lettinga Virtual Labs dashboard.
  3. Pick a computer lab associated with your course, then select an available PC by clicking “Connect.”
  4. You will receive a prompt: Click Download to save the *.rdp file. Open the downloaded file.
    • Windows: Press the Connect button when prompted. Log in with your username and password. Note: In the username field add AD\ in front of your username, it should look like this example: AD\jsmith
    • MacOS: Input your username and password, click Continue then click Continue again to connect. Note: In the username field add AD\ in front of your username, it should look like this example: AD\jsmith. 
  5. You should be connected to the virtual lab computer now. Go ahead and log into the computer. You do not need to add AD\ to log in this time. If it is your first time logging into a virtual lab computer it may take a few minutes to load the desktop.

Note: DO NOT SAVE your files on the virtual lab computer. Send them to your email or save them on your cloud account (Google Drive, OneDrive etc.)

Once you are done using a virtual lab computer you will need to sign out from it:

  1. Right click on the Windows Icon (at the bottom left corner of the screen) 
  2. Hover your mouse over "Shut down or sign out," then click on "Sign out."
    • Note: Please DO NOT SHUT DOWN the virtual lab computer when finished working. 

How to Connect to Virtual Labs - ChromeOS

Step 1: Download and install the Remote Desktop app from the Google Play Store.

Step 2: Connect to a Virtual Lab Computer:

  1. Launch the GlobalProtect app and connect to the Student VPN. Instructions can be found in the Student VPN Access article.
  2. Go to on your browser.
    • Click on the campus that is associated with you. You will be taken to the Davenport University Remote Computer Access website.
    • Pick a computer lab associated with your course and select an available PC by clicking “Connect.”
  3. This will download an *.rdp file. Once the download is complete it should show in a small window at the bottom right with an option to ‘Show in folder.’
    • Click ‘Show in folder,’ 2-finger click on the *.rdp file, select ‘Open with,’ and select ‘RD Client’.
      • Note: If you cannot find the download in the window at the bottom right, open the ‘Files’ app by pressing Alt+Shift+M and navigate to ‘My files’ then ‘Downloads’ and find the *.rdp file there.
  4. When prompted for the username field add AD\ in front of your username (it should look like this example: AD\jsmith), then enter your DU password to log in and connect.
  5. You should be connected to the virtual lab computer now. Go ahead and log into the computer. You do not need to add AD\ to log in this time. If it is your first time logging into a virtual lab computer it may take a few minutes to load the desktop.

Note: DO NOT SAVE your files on the virtual lab computer. Send them to your email or save them on your cloud account (Google Drive, OneDrive etc.)

Once you are done using a virtual lab computer you will need to sign out from it:

  1. Right click on the Windows Icon (at the bottom left corner of the screen) 
  2. Hover your mouse over "Shut down or sign out," then click on "Sign out."
    • Note: Please do not shut down the virtual lab computer when finished working. 

If you are having trouble or have any questions, please call the Student Support Center at 1-877-899-1499 and we can assist you further.



Article ID: 16375
Tue 9/26/23 4:57 PM
Tue 9/24/24 4:08 PM