Phone Directory usage



One of the many convenient features the University's phone system provides is a Directory. This feature enables you to lookup and dial any name in the University phone system. Please follow the steps below to utilize the Directory feature.


  1. Press the Directory (looks like an open book) button.
  2. The screen will display "Personal directory" and "Corporate directory". Press 2 button to select "Corporate directory".
  3. Enter search criteria into the First, Last and Number fields.
  4. Press the key under "Search" on your screen. Matching names will be displayed.
  5. Use the UP/DOWN keys to navigate to the entry you need.
  6. Once the desired name is selected, press the button under "Dial" on your screen and lift the handset to talk.
  7. Press the key under Exit at any time to exit the directory.

If you are having trouble, or have any questions, please give us a call at x1212 or 1-800-322-3984 and we can assist you further.



Article ID: 2885
Tue 2/1/22 1:46 PM
Thu 8/11/22 11:35 AM