Hiding old courses in Blackboard / locating current courses



Sometimes it can be difficult to find your latest Blackboard courses when a new semester starts as the 'Current Courses' filter option includes both the current semester and some previous semesters. There is not a way to hide the courses, but you can favorite your current courses so they appear at the top, or change the semester filter so that only courses from that semester appear.


Changing the Semester filter

  1. Log into Blackboard at davenport.blackboard.com
  2. Select the Courses tab on the left
  3. Change the drop down menu in the middle of the page from 'Current Courses' to the current semester

Course filter menu







Adding current courses to the favorites list

  1. Log into Blackboard at davenport.blackboard.com
  2. Select the Courses tab on the left
  3. Locate the course in the grid or list view and click the star icon shown below. This will bring this course to the top of the list/grid

If you are having trouble, or have any questions, please give us a call at 1-877-899-1499 and we can assist you further.



Article ID: 2694
Wed 1/26/22 10:35 AM
Tue 8/2/22 5:07 PM